Qualified? Apply Today!

To qualify for equipment, applicants must have a hearing or speech challenge and receive assistance from a public assistance program administered by a state agency, or an income of 200% or less of the 2025 federal poverty guidelines. 

Examples of Public Assistance Programs in Utah:

  • Medicaid
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • Utah Telephone Assistance Program (UTAP/Lifeline)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Home Energy Assistance Target Program (HEAT)

2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines
For families/households with more than 6 persons, add $11,000 for each additional person.

Maximum Household Income Allowed to Qualify
Household Size Gross Annual Income
1 $31,300
2 $42,300
3 $53,300
4 $64,300
5 $75,300
6 $86,300

The Application Process

Click the RED “Home Equipment Application” Button to download the PDF Relay Utah Application.

  1. In order to have your application reviewed by Relay Utah, you will need to download and complete the application (see applications above).

  2. Include documentation you are receiving assistance from a public assistance program administered by a state agency, or have an income of 200% or less than the federal poverty guidelines.
    Income documentation can include:
    • Tax returns
    • Social Security benefits letter
    • Social Security Disability benefits letter (SSDI, SSD)
    • Payroll stubs

      When submitting documentation, please redact (black out) any sensitive information including account and social security numbers.

  3. Have one of the following certify the application:
    • Licensed Physician
    • Licensed Physician Assistant
    • Otolaryngologist
    • Audiologist (AuD)
    • Speech-Language Pathologist
    • Qualified State Agency Employee

  4. Mail, fax, or email the application to:
    Public Service Commission of Utah
    c/o Relay Utah 
    Box 4558
    160 East 300 South, 4th floor
    Salt Lake City, UT 84111
    FAX: 801-530-6796
    EMAIL: [email protected]

The applicant will be notified when the application is approved. The recipient’s legal guardian may sign the application if the recipient is a minor or unable to sign the application.